Company President, Mary James, loves to find meaning in numbers. Mary was born in the third month, on the 13th day, in the year 1953.
In honor of both Mother’s Day and Mary’s love of playing on number, HAYS Cleaning will offer customers 3 hours of service, at 53% off of the regular hourly rate; the sale will last for 13 hours.
You must purchase online to get this terrific price; limit one per household.
Click the “Buy Now” button to make your purchase and then contact our office to schedule your appointment by emailing or calling 708-598-3819.

The Fine Print:
- Call 708-598-3819 or email to schedule appointment.Must pre-pay for services prior to scheduling appointment.
- Regular hourly rate is $35 per man-hour.
- Hours purchased must be used at one single service call.
- Not valid with other offers or on services previously provided.
- Limit One Per household.
- Coupon must be purchased 5/10/2015..
- Locations more than 10 miles from office require minimum hours purchase.