A to-do List


Your holiday to-do list is endless.

Cleaning and organizing your home seems like a good bet,

and it’s probably not as bad as you think.

Start small, Contact HAYS Cleaning at 708-598-3819 or www.hayscleaning.com.



Caring for those who serve.

Taking care of your team members is important.

Lets not forget all those who served.

Even our four legged friends gave their all.

Remember all our veterans.

~ Beverly

Contact HAYS Cleaning at 708-598-3819 or www.hayscleaning.com

15 minute, counter cleaning

KITCHEN 2Now lets wash and dry the counter, stove and microwave.

Use a disinfectant to wipe down everything.

Let air dry or dry with a clean dry cloth.

~ Beverly


Contact HAYS Cleaning at 708-598-3819 or www.hayscleaning.com

Organic is Healthier

Organic betterOrganic is healthier for your family, pets, and the environment.

You can buy premade organic cleaners or make your own.

Most ingredients are in you kitchen already.


Happy Flag Day



As we celebrate Flag Day, let’s take a few minutes to remember all of our Veterans and Military who keep this great country free!

For all of our retired and active service men and women, we are extending our FREE 3-hour cleaning until the end of June! Call 708-598-3819 or email mary@hayscleaning.com to schedule your appointment.